The Fairs have been organised in Mikołajki, in the Gołębiewski Hotel (about an hour away by car), the weather was quite nice, we've had a nice trip with a chat. We've seen and touched real nice things... My friend has a shop with this king of stuff (I will write more about it soon), she managed to establish some new contacts for deliweries, made some orders - what a great day. .... Marie Antoinette Award. Marie Antoinette Award Od Ibiska i Jaśminowejasi ...
?Face Book - Janet Moore, IBISKA?Twitter - Gillian Brouse Social Media As A Sales Tool! Join the Sales Professionals of Ottawa with our expert panel to explore the Social Media phenomenon and how to harness it as a tool for your sales ...
Dall'inizio dell'estate, arguzia ritorno al potere di Berlusconi e la Georgia crisi, abbiamo ? impegnata con i leader GOI aggressivamente a tutti i livelli. Pol, PA e Econoffs sono impegnati i membri del partito, i contatti GOI, ...